

Note: This tutorial cover the following versions: "0.1.4.b".

Error: No photos found or this album is set to private Facebook changed lightly its code and this affected fluschipranie making it to throw this error. All versions that throw this error should be classified as obsolete and unusable, you are encouraged to download the latest version below.

Latest Version: 0.1.4.b

Fluschipranie 0.1.4.b fixed to work in Firefox 8. If it throws you the following error when installing "the addon could not be installed, it seems to be corrupted". Try the following: help

fluschipranie 0.1.4.b (Firefox 8)

Download Latest Version fluschipranie 0.1.4.b (Firefox 7)

how to use fluschipranie

Position your mouse over the album's link you want to download, make right click on it. Select fluschipranie's download, as in the image.

After clicking fluschipranie's download this window will appear, you can type the prefix of your photos there. You can check Facebook's prefix checkbox if you do not want to change facebook's default prefix or simply click 'ok' with the input field empty.

This window file picker will let you choose the folder directory where you want to save your photos

The Widget Panel

OPTIONS: opens the options page to save preferred settings.
HELP: opens this help page.

reset options: restore the default options values.

prompt for options everytime: default value=true, uncheck this field if you want to download your albums without prompts using the prefix and directory set here.

photos directory: the directory where you want your photos to be downloaded, default value=%Desktop%/fluschipranie.

prefix: Type your desired prefix in the field and press save. Default value=default, which means that the facebook's prefix should be used.

hide facebook's ads default value=true, which means that default behaviour will be: hide the ads until the user says other way. When hiding ads it is possible that friend's suggestions come hidden too, to disable this behaviour uncheck this so the ads and friends' suggestions will show up again.

fetch larger images default value=false, which means that default behaviour will be: fetch images normally until the user says other way. By checking this you will be able to grab large images if they exist, the drawback is that the normal task will be twice or thrice more time-consuming. So check this and use it knowing the aforementioned.


Fluschipranie notifies when all downloads complete successfully, when some or all downloads fail and when an album has no photos or if it encounters a facebook internal change.

  • Notification: "ALL DOWNLOADS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY". The best notification you may receive, it means fluschipranie did its job flawless. You can click its link to go to the downloads' manager.
  • Notification: "SOME DOWNLOADS FAILED". This notification is not as good as the first but not as bad as the last, it means that fluschipranie failed to grab all images due to network conectivity errors. Fortunately you can retry the failed downloads through the downloads' manager clicking the retry button.
  • Notification: "no pictures found or it is a facebook-firefox internal error, retry!". This occurs when trying to download empty albums, but also and in the worst of the scenarios this happens when facebook changes internally and affects fluschipranie, in such case you would need to inform the develoer and wait for a new fixed version.
  • Downloads' Manager

    Another feature of this version is the download manager. Fluschipranie will open a new tab in the background for displaying the progress of the downloads.

    If some downloads were unsuccessfull, you can retry them by pressing the refresh button at the right of the namefile, in the download manager.

    Saving Tagged Photos

    Now you are able to download your tagged photos, go to your tagged photos' section, make right click over the "Photos" link, "Fotos" in spanish, or whatever the language be, choose "fluschipranie's download" as you normally would do over an album's link and done.

    Hack: How download facebook albums with more than 200 pictures with fluschipranie?

    Suppose with have an album with 280 pictures. To grab all photos we must follow these steps:

    1. Go to the album and right click on it, click fluschipranie download and choose the folder for your album if you have still "prompt for options everytime" checked(true) in the fluschipranie options file.

    2. Go to the album's folder you previously selected, you'll see that there are 200 pictures only. To get the 80 remaining pictures go to facebook and click/open the target album, it will display the first 200 pictures, which we have already saved. Scroll down until "show more" link is visible in the page's bottom.

    3. Right click over the "show more" link of the previous step, click fluschipranie'download as if it was a normal album, choose the folder for your album(for clearance it should be the same folder you choosed in step 1). Go to the folder to see all the 280 pictures.

    The same goes for larger albums. For example, to download an album with 600 photos do the following:

    Do step 1. Do step 2. Do step 3(You'll see 400 photos in your folder). Click show more to see 200-400 range pictures. Do step 3(You'll see 600 photos in your folder)

    image by Mohamed Erradi